Diana Steinmetz
Set free


Heaven meets earth - 2024

In this unique Christmas play, the most famous story of the Bible is told through the eyes of the young couple Mary and Joseph. With great empathy and humor, the play tells of love, disappointment, pain and fear, but also of courage and new beginnings. With the help of pantomime, dance and physical theater, the audience can experience anew what it means when heaven comes to us on earth.

Bookings for December 2025 now possible! Touring in The Netherlands and Germany.  


© Diana Steinmetz

Easter Passion - Open Air 2024

Hope and pain, love and hate, disbelief and compassion are just some of the emotions that can be seen in the scenes. In the passion play, the biblical Easter story is portrayed through pantomime, dance and physical theater. The audience is guided through the open-air story with sensitivity. We conclude with the feast of Christ's resurrection!


The Second Reel - 2023

They move somewhere between glamour and everyday life, pathos and despair. As if through a veil, the thought of another dimension penetrates their world. A dimension that is initially invisible and mysterious to the eye. As world changers, the dancers of The Limelight Collective move from the visible to the invisible and back again. Through their transformed movements, the invisible takes shape and questions their value system. What is real?


RITUAL - 2022/23

In RITUAL, the Berlin-based artist collective  The Limelight Collective traces the clear structures of a high church mass. Four dancers express their deeply lived spirituality through the ritual of dance. The choreography by Shaw Coleman was inspired by music by Arvo Pärt. A danced liturgy followed by an artist talk in Berlin, Munich, Leipzig and Naumburg.



SPIRALS - 2022

Two starting points, one centre. A complete parabolic spiral becomes a symbol of historic moments. What had spiralled catastrophically out of joint, tapering towards the centre, is brought together and straightened out at the centre. What was initially invisible suddenly becomes visible here. The deeper magic, the greater plan, unfolds its full vitality and also spirals around the suffering in order to transform it when they meet.
The meeting point of the two spirals ignites forces that wind their way into the depths of reality. Just as Luke writes in Acts 3:15: "You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead."
Ronja Schäble and Diana Steinmetz developed and danced the piece to the matching piece of music 'Spirals' by Michael Logozar.
The whole dance piece here: SPIRALS

Jajafabat - Where is the support? Berlin - 2022


Big city bustle. A person is lying on the floor. Is a helping hand being offered?
Will you catch me? Will you hold me? Will you stop? Or hold you back? Will you even stop? When can I let go? Let myself fall? Can I endure it?
In order to hold on, do we have to keep ourselves short, small and out? Do we really not have time to stop for a moment?
10 dancers present the final performance by choreographer Anouk Haller in Berlin.



Between Heaven and earth
A danced journey through the cathedral

20. Art Night Güstrow - 2021

In her evening-length solo dance performance, Diana Steinmetz invites us not only to marvel at earthly wonders, but also to curiously expect heavenly things. As part of the Güstrow Art Night, the cathedral becomes a place of moving art. Dance inspired by the design of the cathedral, dance as prayer.


Mary Poppins Berlin - 2020

If Mary Poppins were alive today, she would certainly look like this. With joy, fun and humour, Shaw Coleman and Diana Steinmetz present five street-ready dance pieces with tap dancing, tambourine and singing. Genuine 'street hits' from the last century to amaze, laugh and enjoy, celebrating life and Jesus. Created during the corona pandemic, Shaw Coleman and Diana Steinmetz always have fun performing these dances on different occasions.

On the road - 6. Night of the Arts - Darmstadt - 2020

"Challenges are there to dare something new." The artists of the 6th Darmstadt Artists' Night dared to organise a weekend full of hope as Darmstadt's first public event after the 2020 spring coronavirus lockdown. Visual and performing artists from all over the world took part. With her dance piece 'Unterwegs', Diana Steinmetz raises the question of what we perceive as observers when we are travelling and how this changes our view of one thing or another in the long term.

ARTventskalendar - The Limelight Collective Berlin - 2020

Pulcinella - the story of a wooden puppet based on Max Lucado - not only encourages children to discover their value. In the ARTventskalendar, Diana Steinmetz invites you to listen to the story of Pulchinella and see how the wooden puppet comes to life in dance theatre.
The performance was part of the ARTventskalendar, which invited visitors to smile, discover, marvel and empathise. From 1 to 24 December 2020, freelance artists such as Diana Steinmetz gave a pre-Christmas performance in Berlin, which was streamed live.


Sea Routes - Performing Arts Festival Berlin - 2019

Dance theatre by Shaw Coleman. As a woman from the 19th century, the character danced by Diana Steinmetz suffers shipwreck together with two other characters. They explore grief, loss, uncertainty, trust and personal responsibility. The piece Meereswege premiered at the 2019 Berlin Performing Arts Festival and was subsequently performed at other venues. Trailer here


Condensate - Theaterforum Kreuzberg - 2019

A condensate of styles, patterns, themes and emotions as diverse as dance and as individual as the dancers themselves. Together with 10 other dancers, Diana Steinmetz performs her own choreographic works and the results of her collaboration with the choreographers Erol Alexandrov, Annelie Andre, Meritxell Campos Olivé, Ioannis Hatsis, Leslie Unger and Serja Veserinen. The stage programme Kondensat is the result of an intensive year-long collaboration between the dancers in the Seneca Intensiv dance education year.

 Light - Theaterforum Kreuzberg - 2019

"But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light."

Choreographed by Diana Steinmetz, this piece for four dancers deals with the question of truth. Inspired by the question of whether truth is visible, the four dancers explore light and darkness. It was premiered as part of the Performing Arts Festival 2019 in Berlin.


Easter Passion - Parochialkirche Berlin - 2019

The art installation in the Parochial Church challenges visitors: on Good Friday 2019, it confronts viewers with injustice, suffering and betrayal in this world. The event, organised by the Berlin Project, culminates in a solo performance by Diana Steinmetz, a dancer who, tossed to and fro by a web of intrigue and injustice, finally dies, bringing the art installation to an unexpected end. The auditorium falls silent, the bewilderment is written all over the faces of the visitors. Recording on Youtube: Performance Aufnahme auf Youtube

dreieinhalb - die kreative Berlin - 2018

A generation prepares itself. In 2018, Diana Steinmetz choreographed the touching dance piece 'Only One' for three dancers as part of the three-day conference dreieinhalb organised by the free community Die Kreative Berlin.  The audience is captivated by the graceful tension of the piece, which also expresses the choreographer's personal faith in Jesus Christ. Diana Steinmetz herself dances in the piece as one of the three dancers.